Corrientes Misioneras is a mentoring program for the preparation of Latin American missionaries. The Latin American church is participating in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19) and Corrientes Misioneras is helping these missionaries fulfill the call to "go and make disciples of all nations."
The name of Corrientes reflects the flow of the Holy Spirit and the movement of God's people in response to the Spirit's call. Since its launch in 2009, Corrientes Misioneras has trained Latinos who are serving the Lord in Asia, Africa, North & South America, and Europe.
Our history
The Mission Made Passion
The Corrientes Coalition is a network of mission agencies and churches united to share resources and cooperate in the preparation of Latin American bi-vocational and cross-cultural missionaries.
It is an informal continuous training program using internships and mentoring sessions designed individually with the candidate who wishes to use his profession as a mission tool.
HCJB Global recognized in 2009 that the Latin American missionary movement was growing noticeably and that a significant portion of missionaries were going out to serve as bi-vocational workers outside of Latin America and even in the 10-40 window. Therefore, this new generation of Latin missionaries required innovative and specialized training, in accordance with the new challenges and opportunities.
This reality motivated some international and national missions based in Quito, Ecuador, to join together and form a cross-cultural missionary training and mentoring program with an experiential approach. Some of the missions that joined the initiative were: International Missionary Board (IMB), Serving in Missions (SIM), Latin Link , Operation Mobilization (OM), Iberoamerican Missionary Cooperative (COMIBAM), COMEC, Latin American Mission (LAM), World Impact, Ecuadorian Evangelical Missionary Association (AMEE), and Youth with a Mission from Ecuador (YWAM).
Our philosophy
Our Commitment.
The objective of Corrientes Misioneras is to help our participants to be more effective in the mission field and have successful missionary careers, preparing them for the challenges of cross-cultural work.
Corrientes Misioneras is:
An informal education program that is experiential and intentional.
Training Christians to use their professions on the mission field.
Individualized learning and orientation of future missionaries at the hands of more experienced missionaries.
Enrichment in terms of missionary perspective and mutual growth for both participants and mentors.
An introduction to self-study in preparation for lifelong learning on the mission field.
Mentoring based on the objectives of the individual.
Our Programs
Corrientes Misioneras is a skills development program with an emphasis on bi-vocational and cross-cultural missions. Tutoring is one-on-one to give individual attention to the participants. Participants receive guidance in five different areas that are critical to success on the mission field.
Mentoring programs for personal growth and missionary training
Biblical Theological
How to serve with your profession/technical career as a mission tool.
How to live in a culture different from yours.
How to acquire skills that help in learning a second language.
How to improve biblical knowledge, personal testimony, and the ability to communicate it.
How to walk closely with God on the mission field.
Considering that the Latin American missionary movement is getting involved in serving in countries called “the 10/40 window”, the bivocational and cross-cultural preparation that Corrientes offers allows the missionary an easy entry and a missionary career based on the concept of integral mission.
Latin American bi-vocational and cross-cultural missionaries satisfactorily fulfilling their missionary service and avoiding premature return.

LM Colombia
Serving in South America
Corrientes Misioneras has been an instrument to align my desires to the plans of heaven. The personalized mentoring was a very good learning tool that I experienced according to my specific needs.

M.R. Mexico
Serving in Africa
Corrientes Misioneras, beyond providing me with tools and training for effectiveness in the Mission, was someone who was part of the preparation process that Father himself had already started in my local church.

Family M. Brazil
Serving in Europe
We have participated in the Corrientes Misioneras course, without a shadow of a doubt it has been the best choice to prepare us for the cross-cultural missionary field. The emphasis of this training is on caring for the person of the missionary.