Training for Latin Missionaries

Corrientes Misioneras
Are you an intercultural and bilingual (Spanish and English, with fluency in Spanish) person who wants to use your cross-cultural missionary experience and administrative skills to lead a training program for Latin American Christians for cross-cultural missions? Would you like to work with a multinational team dedicated to equipping new missionaries with skills to thrive on the mission field?
An ideal Corrientes Misioneras director would have a good number of years of formation and experience in adult education and missionary care, knowledge of organizational management, sensitivity to cultural diversity, cross-cultural missionary experience, and familiarity with the history of the Latin American church related to missions. Networking with other missionary training centers as well as national and international missionary movements would be necessary.
Spiritual Direction and/or Missions Mentor
An ideal mentor for Corrientes Misioneras would have a good number of years of experience and training in counseling, mentoring, and spiritual development; cross-cultural missionary experience; bilingual (Spanish and English, fluent in Spanish); and a heart to equip Latinos for missionary service.
All candidates must be willing to sign the Voz y Manos Statement of Faith.
Villalengua Oe 2-52 and Av. 10 de Agosto
Quito – Pichincha
Río Motolo y Asuncion Cueva
Shell – Pastaza
Phone: +593-2394-6580