Voz y Manos
Voz y Manos was founded in 2019 to carry forward the remaining ministries of Reach Beyond (known in the United States of America as WRMF – World Radio Missionary Fellowship, Inc. and in Ecuador as TWRMF – The World Radio Missionary Fellowship) after almost nine decades of ministry in Ecuador and around the world by entities that included HCJB Radio, Hospital Vozandes – Quito, Hospital Vozandes del Oriente, some family medicine clinics, English Fellowship Church, and several other historic ministries.
The remaining ministries which now make up Voz y Manos are Apoyo Pastoral, Corrientes Misioneras, and Community Ministries. In collaboration with the local church, our purpose is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ in word and action, making disciples who follow Christ in every area of their lives, to the glory of God.
Voz y Manos leadership wants to maintain open communications with the local Christian church to learn about the church´s real needs and to coordinate strategies to proclaim and demonstrate Christ. Our leadership values partnerships with related national and international organizations, for the fulfillment of these goals, using all the resources and methods that God provides.

Our Mission
Show God's love in practical ways and equip Latin American leaders
and missionaries to share the Good News of Jesus Christ